What is Consent & How to Get It
Consent Rules:
The person seeking or initiating sex is responsible for getting consent.
Ask yourself if the other person is capable of giving consent.
You can confirm consent by checking the other person’s body language and asking them.
Check with them each time you start a new sexual activity.
Check with them on each occasion you start any sexual conduct.
Look at their body language and facial expression to see their eagerness and comfort.
Ask them if they are okay.
If they seem unhappy, or you are not sure they are consenting, stop.
Silence, or the absence of a “no”, does not guarantee somebody is consenting.
Having the capacity to give consent means the person can make and communicate a decision, understanding the consequences and knowing they have a choice.
Your partner has the right to withdraw their consent at any time.
Once consent is withdrawn you must stop engaging in sexual activity immediately.
Age of consent in Texas is 17y.o.
If you’re still struggling with the consent this video can help clear things up: Tea Consent
Is It Consent Chart
There IS consent
A clear affirmative freely-given “yes” indicates consent.
There is NO consent
If they are
on drugs or
too drunk,
asleep or
too young
Some people living with a
mental health problem,
a learning disability or
a head injury may not have the capacity to consent.
If they say
“I’m not sure”
“I don’t want to”
If you’re not sure someone is on drugs or seems too drunk to consent, stop.
Sex without consent is rape