Bethany Morgan Bethany Morgan

What is Consent & How to Get It

Consent is Everything.

Being intimate or social with someone does not automatically lead to sexual intercourse. Dating, flirting, kissing, or being intimate do not convey consent to sex. Consenting in the past or being in a relationship does not mean consent is automatically given in the future.

These are just some of the rules of consent.

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Bethany Morgan Bethany Morgan


Boiled down, dissociation means “disconnect.” So if someone is dissociating, there are disconnected from either their environment, body or parts of body, emotions, memories, time, or who they are. People can experience a combination of these.

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Bethany Morgan Bethany Morgan

Beth’s Favorites Coping Strategies

Therapists talk a lot about “healthy” coping skills but do they actually follow their own advice? I should do and here is the list of my favorites. Feel free to steal any of my ideas because I didn’t come up with them on my own. It really depends on my mood and what I am needing that decides what I will find helpful. I sometimes even have to try a few before I figure it out.

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Heather Sudduth Heather Sudduth

Parenting Teens: Through a Developmental Lens

Just when you thought parenting was tough enough, the adolescent stage hits. Parenting teens is hard. Here are a few key developmental considerations that could help you manage this challenging moment and find space to connect with your child.

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Bethany Morgan Bethany Morgan

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Power and Control Factors: Including LGBTQIA+ and Immigration components.

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is when an individual in a relationship uses a mixture of tactics to gain and maintain Power and Control in the relationship. These tactics include but are not limited to using intimidation, using emotional abuse, using isolation, minimizing/denying/blaming, using children, using societal privileges (ex: gender, race, SES), using economic abuse, and using coercion.

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