Our Go-To Resources
We do not receive any compensation for sharing these. We truly recommend these because we or our clients have found them helpful. Enjoy!
Creating a Safe place (video I created with MCWC)
Create Your Own Comfort Box (video I created with MCWC)
Ejercicios de respiración (Español)
Relajación Muscular Progresiva (Español)
Breath Tracing: A Creative Arts Approach for Managing Stress
Simple Meditation Exercises for Grounding for people with CPTSD and DD
Using Art Materials for Self-Soothing: Coping With Clay
Making Mandalas to Contain and Manage Stress
Yoga for People with Complex Trauma and Dissociative Disorders
Domestic Violence
Book: Why does he do that by Lundy Bancroft
Other resources for abused women, their children, and others:
Adults Molested as Children
The Courage to Heal by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis
Trauma Related Dissociation:
What is trauma related dissociation
Abuse and Trauma - Causes of Dissociative Disorders
Video: La disociación y el trauma (Español)
Trauma-Related Dissociation 101: 3 Steps to Healing from Dissociative CPTSD
Podcast: What is DID? by System Speak
Supporting a Person Who Lives with Dissociative Identities
Trauma and the Body
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
Childhood Trauma and the Brain
Experiencias Infantiles Adversas (Español)
PTSD & Substance Abuse
Seeking Safety: A treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance Abuse (The Guilford Substance Abuse Series) by Lisa M. Najavits. (great therapist tool and handouts)
Compassion Fatigue
Forma: Que es EMDR? (Español)
Video: Introduction to EMDR therapy
Video: Que es EMDR? (Español)
EMDR Therapy & LGBTQ Experiences
Adults of Emotionally Immature Parents